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Geban:Caro de Segeda/Templates

Se Vükiped: sikloped libik
Beseids Feilavan • Agricultural Engineer • Farman • Farmvoban • Galedan
Valemik Agribusiness • Agricultural cooperative • Agricultural supplies • Agricultural science • Feinavakaenal • Feinavakaenav • Agroforestry • Feilav • Animal husbandry • Animal-free agriculture • Cellular agriculture • Contract farming • Extensive farming • Farm • Farmhouse • Feed ratio • Free range • Horticulture • Intensive farming • Mechanised agriculture • Organic farming • Permaculture • Sustainable agriculture • Sustainable food system • Nivers e spikädams • Zifikafeil
Jenotem Rujenotem: Levolut Neolitik • Agriculture in Mesoamerica • Austronesian expansion
Vönikatimäd: Ancient Egypt • Ancient Greece • Ancient Rome
Post-classical: Agriculture in the Middle Ages • Arab Agricultural Revolution • Columbian exchange
Modern history: British Agricultural Revolution • Green Revolution • Organic • Monoculture
Farming Types Agrivoltaic • Aquaculture • Cattle • Dairy farming • Fur farming • Goat farming • Grazing • Hydroponics • Insect farming • Livestock • Mixed • Paddy field • Pastoral • Pig farming • Poultry farming • Ranch • Orchards • Sheep farming • Terrace • Wildlife farming Monoculture
Naböfaninäd Science · Life · Properties
(Adaptation Energy processingGrowthOrderRegulationReproductionResponse to environment) · Hierarchy of life (AtomMoleculeOrganelleCellTissueOrganOrgan systemOrganismPopulationCommunityEcosystemBiosphere) · Reductionistic · Emergent property · Mechanistic · Scientific method · Theory · Law · Peer review · Biology journals
Chemical basis Atom · Amino acid · Carbohydrate · Chemical bond · Chemical element · Lipid · Matter · Molecule · Monomer · Nucleic acid · Organic compound · pH · Polymer · Protein · Water
Siüls ATP · Cell cycle · Cell theory · Cell signaling · Cellular respiration · Energy transformation · Enzyme · Eukaryote · Fermentation · Metabolism · Meiosis · Mitosis · Photosynthesis · Prokaryote
Volf Adaptation · Earliest known life forms · Function · Genetic drift · Gene flow · History of life · Macroevolution · Microevolution · Mutation · Natural selection · Phylogenetics · Speciation · Taxonomy
Fom e jäfid plantas Epidermis (botany) · Flower · Ground tissue · Leaf · Phloem · Plant stem · Root · Shoot · Vascular plant · Vascular tissue · Xylem
Fom e jäfid nimas Breathing · Circulatory system · Endocrine system · Digestive system · Homeostasis · Immune system · Internal environment · Muscular system · Nervous system · Reproductive system · Respiratory system
Sukamametods Laboratory techniques: Genetic engineering · Transformation · Gel electrophoresis · Chromatography · Centrifugation · Cell culture · DNA sequencing · DNA microarray · Green fluorescent protein · vector · Enzyme assay · Protein purification · Western blot · Northern blot · Southern blot · Restriction enzyme · Polymerase chain reaction · Two-hybrid screening · in vivo · in vitro · in silico
Field techniques: Belt transect · mark and recapture · species discovery curve
Tuigs Agricultural science · Anatomy · Astrobiology · Biochemistry · Biogeography · Biomechanics · Biophysics · Bioinformatics · Biosemiotics · Biostatistics · Biotechnology · Botany · Cell biology · Cellular microbiology · Chronobiology · Cognitive biology · Computational biology · Conservation biology · Developmental biology · Ecology · Epidemiology · Epigenetics · Evolutionary biology · Evolutionary developmental biology · Genetics · Genomics · Histology · Human biology · Immunology · Lipidology · Marine biology · Mathematical biology · Microbiology · Molecular biology · Mycology · Neuroscience · Paleontology · Parasitology · Pathology · Pharmacology · Phycology · Physiology · Reproductive biology · Sociobiology · Structural biology · Synthetic biology · Systematics · Systems biology · Virology · Zoology
Vodasbuks Biology · Botanical terms · Ecological terms · Plant morphology terms
Lifamod balugik
Practices Barter · Cord-cutting · DIY ethic · Downshifting · Dry toilet · Fasting · Forest gardening · Freeganism · Frugality · Gift economy · Intentional community · Local currency · Low-impact development · No frills · Off-the-grid · Permaculture · Regift · Sattvic diet · Self-sufficiency · Subsistence agriculture · Sustainable living · Sustainable sanitation · Veganism · Vegetarianism · War tax resistance · WWOOF
Religious and spiritual Amish · Aparigraha · Asceticism · Detachment · Distributism · Jesus movement · Mendicant · Mindfulness · Monasticism · New Monasticism · Plain dress · Plain people · Quakers · Rastafari · Temperance · Testimony of simplicity · Tolstoyan movement · Twelve Tribes communities
Secular movements Back-to-the-land · Car-free · Environmental · Hippie · Open Source Ecology · Slow · Small house · Tiny house · Transition town
Notable writers Wendell Berry · Ernest Callenbach · G. K. Chesterton · Duane Elgin · Mahatma Gandhi · Richard Gregg · Tom Hodgkinson · Harlan Hubbard · Satish Kumar · Helen Nearing · Scott Nearing · Peace Pilgrim · Nick Rosen · Dugald Semple · E. F. Schumacher · George Skene Keith · Henry David Thoreau · Leo Tolstoy · Valluvar
Modern-day adherents Mark Boyle · Rob Greenfield · Ted Kaczynski · Pentti Linkola · Jim Merkel · Peace Pilgrim ·Suelo · Thomas
Media "Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral" · Escape from Affluenza · The Good Life · The Moon and the Sledgehammer · Mother Earth News · The Power of Half · Small Is Beautiful · Walden
Related Affluenza · Agrarianism · Amateurism · Anarcho-primitivism · Anti-consumerism · Appropriate technology · Bohemianism · Consumerism · Critique of work · Deep ecology · Degrowth · Ecological footprint · Food miles · Front Porch Republic · Green anarchism · The good life ·Global warming · Hedonophobia · Intentional living (commune · Rainbow Gathering) · Itinerant · Low-technology · Nonviolence · Peak oil · Sustainability · Work–life interface

Volapük Stän Volapüka
Pük Volapük nulik · Kadäm Bevünetik Volapüka · Jenotem Volapüka · Gramat Volapüka · Literat Volapüka · Vükiped Volapükik
Volapükagaseds Calabled kadema · Cogabled · Cogabled Volapükelas · Das Volkswohl · El Gasedil · Gased bevünetik · O Internacional · Jveizapot · Kosmopolan · A Lingua Internacional · Mittheilungen aus den Weltsprache-Vereinen · Mittheilungen des Wissenschaftlichen Weltsprache-Vereins „Volapük“ · Mittheilungen des österreichischen Centralvereins für Volapük · Mud Volapüka · Nogan volapükik plo Beljän e Nedän · Nunal · Nunal nulik · Nunel valemik · Nuns blefik se Volapükavol · Nünots Volapükaklub Linz-Urfahr · Pakamabled nedänik · Sionsharfe · Spodel Volapükik · Stenographisches Sonntagsblatt · The Volapük Journal · Timabled Volapükik · Timapenäd volapükik · Timapenäd Volapükik plo Dän e Norgän · Volabled · Volablodäl · Volanunel · Volapük (Königsberg) · Volapük (Milano) · Volapük (München) · Le Volapük · Volapük: Gased al pakam Volapüka · Volapük: Gased bevünetik tedelik, nolik, literatik e gälodik · Volapük: Gasedil mulik püka bevünetik · Volapük: Popabled e ninsadabled · Volapükabled (Arnhem) · Volapükabled Däna · Volapükabled dänik · Volapükabled Tälik · Volapükabled zenodik · Volapükaflen jveizik · Volapükagased löstänik · Volapükagased pro Nedänapükans · Volapükagased valemik · Volapükagasedem · Volapükaklubs · Volapükan belgänik · Volapükan Melopik · Volapükan nolik e nepaletik · Volapükel Nedänik · Volapükisten · Volaspodel (Napoli) · Volaspodel (New York) · Vom Guten das Beste · Vög Volapüka · Yelabuk Volapükakluba valemik Nedänik · Yelanunod Volapükaklub in Leitmeritz · Zi vol lölik · Zülags
Volapükavan Brian Reynold Bishop · Jean-Claude Caraco · André Cherpillod · Michael Everson · Reinhard Haupenthal · Ralph Midgley · Hermann Philipps · Arden R. Smith
Volapüküls Anti-Volapuko · Balta · Dil · Dilpok · Etem · Idiom Neutral · Idiom Neutral Modifita · Idiom Neutral Reformita · Nal Bino · Spelin · Ulla · Universala · Universala lingvo · Veltparl